05 September 2007

Adventures in good music...

What kind of music do you like?

In answering this, some would indicate a genre - (country, rap, classical, classic rock, techno) and specify a few groups that are good examples of what they like to hear. Or, perhaps you'll point to a channel on a content provider (like "FNX in Boston" , WQXR (New York), or "XM Flight 26"), because they program the genre to which you typically listen.

I have no idea how to say what I like to hear. I enjoy the three examples above, though both play music that will make me switch away to something else. I regularly listen to Tag's Trip, Space Station Soma and Groove Salad from Soma FM, but again, I don't like everything they play.

I hate to pigeonhole my likes and dislikes, because indicating a genre is too broad. I will say I like "Techno" or "Electronica", but most people's idea of that is James Brown is Dead, even though they're exposed to it daily in advertising and other media. There is soul-touching, spine-tingling electronica, but there is also uninspiring noise.

If you would categorically say "I hate country.", then you have likely not heard country that you like - and I would wager that it is indeed out there, among all that which you find too twangy or otherwise unlistenable.

So, again, to what do you like to listen? Or do you rather silence?

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